A Raw Lunch to Repeat
The salad has a base of romaine lettuce and is topped with a fresh local peach, slices of red bell pepper, celery, fresh cilantro and a tomatillo. Beside it is my first Larabar......which I loved! It was as delicious as Jenn said it was. It was tangy and not to sweet. I really liked the smooth texture combined with chunks of nuts. I would definitely buy this bar again!
You have GOT to try the Cashew Cookie flavor - I rarely buy any of the other ones because that one is so good. It has a great flavor, but also the nut/date ratio is perfect.
Your salad looks yummy, too! :)
I really like the Banana Cookie...but then again I've only tried like 3 flavors. I keep seeing the PB cookie one get amazing reviews though!
I love the peanut butter cookie and apple pie varieties! They are the only ones I have tried, though!
I'm so glad that you liked the Larabar! I would definitely recommend the lemon flavor if you liked key lime pie! And if you're going for a different kind of flavor, the peanut butter cookie or coconut cream pie can't be beat!
I like the looks of that salad, too! I love how you combined the peach with all of the veggies - great combo of flavors :o)
I really like the pecan pie larabars. I can't believe that was your first one! Glad you liked it!
The cherry pie is my favorite Larabar.
I don't think I can get them here. :(
GREAT post! I help run the LARABAR Blog -- and we'd love to send you goodie. I've just highlighted your site on the blog. Please email me at lewis@larabar.com and lewisafein@aol.com
My son in law gave me a Larabar on the weekend. Now I'm hooked. All natural ingredients. Great post.
mmmmmmmm love lara bars, cranberries and apples are always my favorite. they are gluten free too---that's why I get em; otherwise i would probably eat a Quaker chewy bar if i could! hehe.
Cashew Cookie Larabars are very good. I love the fact that they only have two ingredients, as most of the Larabars probably do.
Ive got to find a larabar, banana cookie and cherry pie sound so so yummy
I just discovered these bars and I love them. I think my favorite right now is Cashew cookie!!
Never would have thought of adding a peach to a salad, but sounds like a good idea!
I still haven't tried Larabars. One of these days...
Great salad! Love the addition of peaches. I haven't tried a tomatillo yet but I see them at mmy local groccer quite often. Same goes for the larabars. I'm going to get one next time I see it.
Your lunch salad looks so good!
Sadly, I don't think Larabars are available over here. If they are I've never seen them. Pity, because I like the sound of them! I'll have to investigate!
I know this is very unpopular, but I don't like Larabars. :(
The Probars in your next post look delicious though! I want some. :)
I also love salads and have been making them like crazy lately.
I love larabars. They are absolutely addictive.
We discovered LARABAR at Whole Foods while visiting our daughter. The lady in front of us in line had some so my hubby rushed back and grabbbed some for the trip home. They are not sold in our area but we are going to talk to our local grocer and see if we can change that. I've only tried three flavors. My first LARABAR experience was Cherry Pie... YUMMY!! From the looks of these posts, I want to try the Cashew Cookie LARABAR next!
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